he Friends of Birch State Park invite you to join them as they raise funds in support of the improvements at Hugh Taylor Birch State Park.
Friday, November 4, 2022
4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Hugh Taylor Birch State Park
3109 Sunrise Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
Sea Grape Sponsors

Our Hostesses
- Pamela Baynes
- Mimi Bauer
- Kim Bentley
- Nancy Blosser
- Ann Burris
- Barbara Castell
- Diane Courtney
- Fran Custer
- Dawn Read Diehl
- Laura Elmore
- Karen Genovese
- Heather Geronemus
- Michelle Howland
- Alice Jackson
- Janet Jordan
- Lisa Kitei
- Meghan Leckey
- Chris Madsen
- Mari Mennel-Bell
- Ginny Miller
- Peggy Olin
- Ashley Sawyer Smith
- Jamie Stiles
- Nancy Thies
Click on the button to explore all of our Sponsorship Opportunities.
Presenting Sponsor ($10,000)
- 10 tickets to event
- Opportunity to speak at the event
- Recognition in all pre/post media coverage
- Logo/name featured on all print and digital event materials
- Logo/name on event signage and program
Great Egret Sponsor ($7,500)
- 8 tickets to event
- Recognition in all pre/post media coverage
- Logo/name featured on all print and digital event materials
- Logo/name on event signage and program
Osprey Sponsor ($5,000)
- 6 tickets to event
- Recognition in all pre/post media coverage
- Logo/name featured on all print and digital event materials
- Logo/name on event signage and program
White Ibis Sponsor ($2,500)
- 4 tickets to event
- Logo/name featured on all print and digital event materials
- Logo/name on event signage and program
Sponsor Naming Opportunities ($2,500)
- 4 tickets to event
- Logo/name featured on all print and digital event materials
- Logo/name on event signage and program
Cocktail Sponsor
Champagne Sponsor
Photo Wall Sponsor
Auction Sponsor
Program Sponsor
Valet Sponsor
Sea Grape Sponsor ($1,000)
- 2 tickets to event
- Logo/name on event signage and program
Individual Ticket ($100)
- Order online at birchstatepark.org
- (Free Raffle ticket for everyone wearing a hat (think Kentucky Derby)